"Our House" песня 1982-го года группы "Madness", из четвертого альбома "The Rise & Fall".



Текст песни Madness - Our House

Father wears his Sunday best
Mother's tired she needs a rest
The kids are playing up downstairs
Sister's sighing in her sleep
Brother's got a date to keep
He can't hang around
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
Our house it has a crowd
There's always something happening
And it's usually quite loud
Our mum she's so house-proud
Nothing ever slows her down
And a mess is not allowed
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
Our house, in the middle of our street
(Something tells you that you've got to get away from it)
Our house, in the middle of our
Father gets up late for work
Mother has to iron his shirt
Then she sends the kids to school
Sees them off with a small kiss
She's the one they're going to miss
In lots of ways
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
I remember way back then when everything was true
And when we would have such a very good time
Such a fine time, such a happy time
And I remember how we'd play simply waste the day away
Then we'd say nothing would come between us, two dreamers
Father wears his Sunday best
Mother's tired she needs a rest
The kids are playing up downstairs
Sister's sighing in her sleep
Brother's got a date to keep
He can't hang around
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
Our house, was our castle and our keep
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, that was where we used to sleep
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our street

Перевод незнакомых слов
Sunday best – [ˈsʌndi best] – лучший костюм
rest – [rest] – отдых
sigh – [saɪ] – вздыхать
hang around – [hæŋ əˈraʊnd] – терять даром время
middle – [mɪdl] – середина
crowd – [kraʊd] – толпа
happen – [ˈhæpən] – происходить
usually – [ˈju:ʒəli] – обычно
quite – [kwaɪt] – довольно
loud – [laʊd] – громко
house-proud – [haʊspraʊd] – хозяйственный, домовитый
slow down – [sləʊ daʊn] – сбавлять обороты, снижать темп
mess – [mes] – бардак, беспорядок
allow – ˈlaʊ] – позволять, допускать
iron – [aɪən] – гладить, утюжить
send – [send] – отправлять
see off – [si: ɒf] – провожать 
simply – [sɪmpli] – просто
waste – [weɪst] – тратить впустую
castle – [kɑ:sl] – замок
used to – [ˈju:st tu:] – обычно